GWP Night Of Decisions 2012 Ergebnisse

GWP Night Of Decisions 2012 Front

GWP – German Wrestling Promotion e.V.
“Night Of Decisions”
13.10.2012 – Mehrzweckhalle, Roth

Zuschauer: 530

Dragonhearts Championship
“The Wonderkid” Jonny Storm bes. “The Untamable” Emil Sitoci (c) – TITELWECHSEL!

Tryout Match
Blaze bes. Miguel Ramirez

Fatal-4-Way Match
Karsten Beck bes. Michael Isotov, Dean Jazzman und CorVus

Mr. Wrestling V bes. Farmer Joe

M.C. Logan vs. “Golden Rage” Sebastian Sage endet in einem Double Count Out

Aerial Xplosion Match II – Falls Count Anywhere
Tommy End bes. Jody Fleisch Championship
Absolute Andy (c) bes. “The Turkish Wrestling Machine” Murat Bosporus

GWP World Championship
“German Psycho” Bad Bones bes. Joe. E. Legend (c) – TITELWECHSEL!

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