10 Years Of GWP – The Best Of

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Art.-Nr.: GWPS001 Kategorie: Verfügbarkeit:

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Die German Wrestling Promotion e.V. (GWP) präsentiert die besten Matches aus 10 Jahren, die von den Fans ausgewählt wurden. Erlebt noch einmal die Highlights der GWP. Darunter auch der legendäre knapp einstündige “Roth Street Fight” zwischen Absolute Andy und Steve Douglas, das “Four Corners Flag Match” mit Murat Bosporus, “Axeman” Axel Tischer, Michael Isotov und Emil Sitoci. Ebenso das “Aerial Xplosion Fatal Four Way” in dem Will Ospreay, Paul Robinson, Emil Sitoci und Marty Scurll aufeinandertrafen. Dies sind aber nur ein paar der Höhepunkte der insgesamt 16 Matches. Auch viele Gaststars gaben sich die Ehre wie “The Phenomenal” A.J. Styles, Bobby Lashley, “The Native American” Tatanka, Petey Williams uvm.

The German Wrestling Promotion e.V. (GWP) presents their best matches out of 10 years. Relive the highlights which were chosen by the fans. It features the legendary ‘Roth Street Fight’ between Absolute Andy and Steve Douglas. The ‘Four Corners Flag match’ with Murat Bosporus, ‘Axeman’ Axel Tischer, Michael Isotov and Emil Sitoci. Also the ‘Aerial Xplosion Fatal Four Way’ in which Will Ospreay, Paul Robinson, Emil Sitoci and Marty Scurll collide. These are just a few highlights out of 16 matches. Lots of guest stars were performing in GWP, e.g. ‘The Phenomenal’ AJ Styles, Bobby Lashley, ‘The Native American’ Tatanka, Petey Williams and many more.


Spring Attack 2006:
Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match:
Ruckus Vs. Steve Douglas Vs. Ahmed Chaer Vs. Teddy Hart

Sign Of A Champion 2007:
No.1 Contender – GWP World Championship – Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match:
“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles Vs. Are$ Vs. Homicide Vs. Crazy Sexy Mike

Focus On Optimum 2008:
GWP World Championship – Falls Count Anywhere Match
Ruckus (c) Vs. Jody Fleisch

Murat Bosporus Vs. Kid Kash

Brawl In The Fall 2010:
The Amazing Red vs. Sonjay Dutt

PAC Vs. Jody Fleisch

Spring Xplosion 2012:
WrestlingCorner.de Championship & Deutsche Meisterschaft – Roth Streetfight: Title vs. Title
Absolute Andy (c) Vs. Steve Douglas (c)

Night Of Decisions 2012:
Aerial Xplosion Match II – Falls Count Anywhere
Tommy End Vs. Jody Fleisch

Laufzeit: 190 Min. / Running time: 190 min.


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